Maker Journal Entry 2: Re-purposing

Since our introduction to the maker movement and our maker projects I have had a chance to practically test some of my initial ideas.  As a part of our participation in the MAET overseas news program we year ones created a musical segment employing the Makey Makey.  I spent some quality time with the wondrous device and found a simple way to control an electronic instrument in garage band.  Keyboard commands control certain pitches in garage band.  I simply had to connect Makey Makey to the corresponding keyboard commands.  I was also able to create a banna keyboard and play live to a canned drum track.  We put together a show and it turned out like this.

Obviously the Makey Makey’s ability to control a synthesizer is not limited to bannas.  I visited a few vintage stores but did not find anything I didn’t already have at home.  So I decided to start there.  Here are some conductive materials I’ve brainstormed that can be converted into some kind of music instrument interface.


These are just a few of the materials I have come up with and as I was inserting them here I was thinking of more.  It seems to me that the options for creating a musical interface are limitless.  Now I have to find out the best way to get these objects to interface with the Makey Makey and find software that will allow me more flexibility than Garage Band.  I used to create the above collage.

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